
The Village HAWC
A Time To Heal- The Village Healing and Writing Circle (HAWC) is reserved for men to share with one another. The circle is therapeutic, NOT therapy. Early in the session, members share through Habari Gani a Swahili phrase that means, “What is the news?”. Members are invited to share their pains and their joys during this time. Later, individuals are welcome to share their writing (e.g., short story, poetry, free-write). Like all of our services and programs, The Village HAWC is an open, safe, and affirming space for individuals who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. The Village HAWC meets monthly (every third Thursday) at The Bullet Related Injury Clinic in the Delmar DevINe building. The HAWC's hours are from 6-8p. Contact us to learn how you can join our Circle.

The Village ROPE
(Rites of Passages Empowerment Program)- This program is for young Black and Latinx boys as they transition from childhood to young adulthood. The syllabus consists of weekly talking points centered around creating healthy forms of masculinity.The Village ROPE syllabus also provides tools for young men to work on building self-confidence and learning conflict resolution while nurturing a safe environment for all participants to deal with social, emotional and cultural issues.

The Village tap
The Lil Black Boy Campaign began in May 2020 as a partnership with St. Louis hip hop artist Sir Eddie C, All Black Creatives, and The Village PATH. The original goal was to raise $1,000 for the attendees of the Village HAWC for black men to receive free therapy sessions from a black clinician for Mental Health Awareness Month in May. The Lil Black Boy Campaign, which was titled from Sir Eddie C’s song celebrating blackness, raised $1,000 in under 24hrs via GoFundMe...
Decreasing Stigma and Barriers Associated with Black Men's Mental Health. #BlackMentalHealthMatters.